Sunday, January 20, 2013


As a dog, collies have long been considered as a dog breed, but that title is actually incorrect in the sense that collies are not exactly a breed but rather a type of herding dog that hails from the Northern parts of England and Scotland.

Lassie, from the 1943 released feature Lassie Come Home, has become iconic for collies, with the name Lassie loosely used as household term that defines the dog type, in general.
Essentially a “Rough Collie”, Lassie, as a character, has defined a lot of doggy attributes which countless households look for in the ideal family dog, steadfast in its resolve, strong in its overall constitution and intelligent in assessing situations and scenarios.

In Lassie Come Home, Lassie is separated from her family, a separation which was caused by the fact that her family had to sell her to a new master. Ever loyal to her masters, Lassie managed to escape from her buyers, going on an adventure in finding her way back home from Scotland to Yorkshire.

A lot of Lassie’s positive attributes stand true with collies in general, with most collies exhibiting significant capabilities for intelligence, stamina and generally “trainable” temperaments.

Though not exactly the poster-dog for all collies, Lassie’s popularity has defined collies in a lot of ways, leading to the organization of different collie types for shows, with a known number of mixes known to exist.

As a herding dog, collies are quite popular in the United Kingdom, and with Lassie Come Home, it has also become popular in different parts of the world.


Collies Video