Friday, June 21, 2013

Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures

Tropical fish guides will help you to distinguish from the multitude of fish on offer at your local pet store or aquarium center. There are so many different varieties to choose from and it helps to have a little bit of knowledge before you go shopping. You should know whether you want to have fresh or salt water fish as you cannot mix both in the same aquarium. In the wild these fish can fend for themselves but when housed in an aquarium they become solely reliant on you for their care and welfare. Knowing their habitats is just the first step in caring for these beautiful creatures.

Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures
Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures

Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures
Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures

Some tropical fish cannot be housed with others even if they are all freshwater or saltwater fish. Some species are natural fighters and if you put them in the same aquarium they will destroy each other. Other fish will fight with members of their own species and are best only kept by experienced fish owners. If this will be your first aquarium reading some tropical fish guides will help you to pick some fish that are relatively easy to look after. Once you have managed the basics, you can then move onto the more difficult and possibly more expensive species.

Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures
Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures

Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures
Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures

Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures
Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures

Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures
Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures

Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures
Freshwater Tropical Fish Pictures

When you first start to build up your aquarium you can easily fall prey to unscrupulous store owners who are looking to offload damaged and diseased fish to unsuspecting buyers. If you have taken a little time to educate yourself properly you should avoid these pitfalls. A diseased fish can cause all the inhabitants of your tank to become infected so it is best to buy your fish from trusted and respected suppliers. Have a look around the store before you make a purchase to see if the fish look well looked after. The cleanliness of the store will give you some idea as to how often the fish tanks are cleaned etc. Comparing the fish to pictures in your tropical fish guides will also help you in the decision making process.