Saturday, June 8, 2013

Japanese Koi Fish Pond

Keeping a fish is a popular hobby. Fishes used to be kept only for food but later on, the beauty as well as the fun of taking care of them make them a good leisure after all. Among the many fish varieties available for domesticating is the Japanese Koi fish. Just like any fishes in this world, they were used to be kept in natural ponds to be eaten during the winters in the highlands of Japan. However, later on, their beauty was discovered and their popularity soon grow far and wide.

Japans Koi fish can be kept in aquariums or tanks. But the best way to keep them is in ponds which are often located in the owner's garden or backyard. Above all, they are valued for their beautiful and catchy marks which vary greatly. Every fish lover would love to have a Japanese Koi in his possession.

Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi fishes, as already mentioned, need a special pond where they can thrive with peace. In choosing a good site, make sure that it is exposed to the sunlight but is not too much exposed to it that it will directly hit the waters and affect the health of the Koi. Although a shady area is ideal, it must not be too hidden that leaves from trees around it as well as other dirt will be able to conquer its surface. The pond need to be wide. You have the option of making it yourself or letting the professionals do it. There are actually many websites which can help you find a Koi pond maker. All you need to do is to show them the right spot, provide for the necessary tools and resources. In many cases, Japanese Koi fish can grow up to 1 to 2 feet. Check out the internet for reliable Koi fish breeders or importers.

Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi Fish Pond
A healthy Japanese Koi fish is easy to point. Of course, its fins and the movement or activeness of the fish will tell you if it is in good condition. Aside from that, Japanese Koi fish are great community fishes who can live with others. However, do not overcrowd your Koi pond. In some cases, Koi keepers so to it that they have a standard number of fishes with every corresponding depth and width of a pond. The pond must also have the tools for it to properly operate. This includes a filtrating system and a water pump. This keeps the water flowing and circulating. Most of all, it will keep the water clean regularly. In fact,20 percent of the water on it must be changed once a week or so. Protection can also be given against predators by putting a net over the pond.

Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi Fish Pond
Japanese Koi fishes are really amazing to take care of. The best phase in taking care of them is feeding them. Don't you know that the bonding between the owner and the pets occur during feeding. You will surely find it a glorious sight to see the wrangling and active yet graceful movement of Koi fishes when you feed them with pellets. The mixture of hues like red, white and blue marks are clear manifestations of the effort that you have rendered in caring for them.